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How to Install EUP (Emergency Uniforms Pack) for a FiveM Server

Emergency Uniforms Pack (EUP) allows you to add custom law enforcement, fire department, and EMS uniforms to your FiveM server. Since EUP is an Add-On DLC, you need the EUP Server files, EUP Menu, and NativeUILua. Follow these steps to install and configure EUP properly.

Note: Be sure that your FiveM server is fully stopped before making any configuration changes or setting updates!

Download the Required Files

  1. Visit the following to download the EUP resources

  2. Download the following required files:

    • EUP SUP (server uniform pack)

    • EUP Menu (to select and manage uniforms in-game)

  3. Download the NativeUILua from their Github, which is required for the EUP menu to work.

Install FiveM EUP Files

  1. Open the Server Files tab in the Nodecraft Control Panel.

  2. Go to the resources folder.

  3. Create a new folder named [EUP].Creating the EUP folder for uploading files for a FiveM server

  4. Upload the eup-stream files from the EUP-SUP download into the [EUP] folder.

  5. Repeat the process for the menu files. Upload the eup-ui files from the EUP-MENU download into the [EUP] folder.

  6. Repeat the process once more for NativeUI. Upload the NativeUI files from the NativeUILua download into the [EUP] folder.Uploading all the files needed for EUP to a FiveM server

Add EUP to Server Configuration

  1. Open server.cfg (found in the main folder in the Server Files tab of the Nodecraft Panel.

  2. Add the following at the end of the file:
    ensure [EUP]

  3. Save and close the file.Ensuring EUP to activate in the server.cfg for FiveM

  4. Start your FiveM server.

  5. Once in-game, use the chat command:


  6. This should open the EUP Menu, allowing you to select uniforms.


  1. If EUP does not work, check the following:

    • Ensure all required files are inside the [EUP] folder.

    • Confirm that server.cfg includes ensure [EUP].

    • Check the server Console for error messages.

  2. If uniforms are missing, ensure the .ytd and .yft files are inside the eup-stream/stream folder.

  3. If the menu does not open, verify that NativeUI is installed correctly.


By following these steps, you can successfully install and configure EUP for your FiveM server. This allows players to wear realistic law enforcement, fire, and EMS uniforms, enhancing roleplay. If you encounter issues, double-check your file paths and configuration settings. Enjoy your custom uniforms! 👮🚒🚑

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