Adding Formatting and Colors to the Server Name for Your Eco Server
This guide will show you how to add colors and formatting to the server name for your Eco server, in the in-game listings.
Many people use the colors and formatting to highlight different keywords in the name of their Eco servers, in order to attract new players.
Where to set your Eco server name
You can set the text for the name of your Eco server on the "Game Settings" section of the Nodecraft control panel.
Just enter text in the box labelled "Server Name", and then click the blue "Save" button at the bottom of the "Game Settings" page.
Changing Colors
You can change the color of text in the server name by including a special formatting tag of
<color=(text or hexadecimal code)>
This changes the color of all following text.
Use the following tag to turn off the color change:
You need to use these pair of tags each time you want to change the color, and then disable that change.
You use the same tag </color>
to turn off the color change, regardless of what ever color you set it to with the starting color tag. It means "stop changing the color."
Text Color Codes
The formatting tag of <color= >
accepts actual words as color values, such as "green", "blue", "red", etc.
This will change the text to a pre-selected shade of those colors. You can't control the exact color used: "blue" will always be the same shade of blue, "red" will always be the same shade of red, etc.
There is a standard list of 140 words that can be used in HTML, and those can be used for color words with the <color= >
Custom Hexadecimal Color Codes
If you want to use a specific custom color, you can do that by using hexadecimal color codes. Standard codes use 6 digits, with the two digits for the amount of red, green, and blue that make up the color. There's also another format that uses 8 digits for the color codes.
Hexadecimal appears as a mixture of regular numbers and the letters A through F, beginning with a hash #
. The letters are actually "numbers" too. A=11, B=12, C=13, etc. With hexadecimal, more information can be packed into a smaller space, since each digit is 1 through 16, instead of only 1 through 10. These 6 hexadecimal digits can represent over 16 million colors that can be displayed in most browsers today!
Sample hexadecimal color codes:
Color | Hexadecimal |
Black | #FFFFFF |
White | #000000 |
Yellow | #FFFF00 |
Red | #FF0000 |
Maroon | #800000 |
Purple | #800080 |
If you look at the last two colors, "maroon" and "purple", you can see they have the same number for the red value ( the 1st digit, an 8), but purple has a bit of blue being mixed in (the 5th digit, also an 8). This is how all the colors are made, with the numbers controlling the intensity of the amount of red, green and blue being added.
Finding Hexadecimal color codes:
There are many sites available online that list these codes. Simply search for "HTML color codes", "Hexadecimal color codes", or use the Colour picker provided by Google.
Many have point in click interfaces that allow you to click on a color "paint chip", and then see the hexadecimal code that makes that color.
You can change the formatting of text as well, like making it bold, italicized, etc.
Bold Text
The tags to make text bold are:
The tag <b>
makes the following text bold. </b>
turns it off.
Italic Text
The tags to make text italicized are:
The tag <i>
makes the following text italicized. </i>
turns it off.
Combining both bold and italics
You can use the tags <b>
and <i>
at the same time.
The text below:
"Normal text <b>bold</b> <i>Italics</i> <b><i>Both bold and italics</b></i>"
Looks like this:
"Normal text bold Italics Both bold and italics"
You can also use the tags to switch a small portion of a part that is already been changed (turned bold or italics already).
Like the text:
"Part of this sentence <b>is in bold but this part is also in <i>italics and bold too</i>, but now it's back to just bold</b> and now both are turned off."
Will look like this:
"Part of this sentence is in bold but this part is also in italics and bold too, but now it's back to just bold and now both are turned off."
The first <b>
tag turns a section of the sentence to bold, but then the <i>
switches on italics too (along with the bold). The </i>
turns off the italics, and it goes back to bold. Then the </b>
turns off the bolding, and it goes back to normal text.
Example Server Listings
Color Codes
If you use the text shown below as a server name:
<color=red>New Server!</color> <color=yellow>New player friendly!</color> <color=blue>Starting resources available for</color> <color=red>new players!</color>
It looks like the screenshot below in the game listings:
Color codes and formatting combined
The server name text:
<b><color=red>New Server!</color></b> <color=yellow>New player friendly!</color> <color=blue>Starting resources available for</color> <i><color=red>new players!</color></i>
Which will look like this in the game listings:
The red "New Server!" in in bold on the left side of the screen, and the red "new players!" is italicized.
The server listing shown on the right has been switched to all uppercase letters by the game, so the bolding of the first part doesn't really show well anymore. The difference between the bold and normal size text can be seen more easily on the right side, on the bright green background.